How To Transform Your Personality And Improve Your Spiritual Health?

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is in fact God's mind. 

This is a scientific truth discovered by Carl Jung, who was a scientist and didn't have a religious attitude. 

I continued his research discovering the unconscious sanctity and the evilness of the human conscience. 

I had a religious attitude after verifying that what I had learned in my religion when I was a child was true.

Today you have explanations for religious mysteries, while you understand how your brain works and what defines your behavior. 

You are able to find sound mental health by translating the meaning of dreams and following the wise unconscious guidance. 

You also have information about the world, the future, and many other matters of your interest. 

The powerful source of knowledge you find when you translate the meaning of dreams is an unlimited font of true wisdom.

Wisdom is more than knowledge because it also contains sensitivity. 

It is not only based on knowledge, but also based on goodness. 

In fact, wisdom and goodness are synonyms.

The atheistic and materialistic modern civilization made you completely neglect the true meaning of life. 

You live pursuing material pleasures, while believing that there is nothing else besides your limited existence on Earth like a rational animal. 

However, the accurate translation of the meaning of dreams proves that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is wise and saintly, and that the human being has a satanic conscience.

The accurate translation of the meaning of dreams also proves that there is a spiritual reality, which goes beyond our existence on Earth for a limited period of time.

You must be intelligent and get adapted to this extraordinary new knowledge if you want to take advantage of my discoveries. 

I learned how to put an end to terror and violence by precisely obeying the guidance of the unconscious mind. 

I obeyed the unconscious guidance like a soldier, after recognizing my own absurdity and my incapacity to discern what was good or bad. 

All my discoveries are the result of my obedience.

I help you easily understand the meaning of dreams and put the unconscious guidance into practice, so that you may find sound mental health and use all of your brain power. 

The unconscious guidance has a value that cannot be calculated, since the unconscious mind is God's mind.

The knowledge you acquire through dream translation is based on sensitivity. 

This knowledge helps you become a wise human being.

The divine unconscious mind works like a psychiatrist and psychologist, a teacher, and a priest. 

Your psychological transformation works also like spiritual purification.

The translation of the meaning of dreams transports you to another dimension of your reality. 

You understand that nothing is as small as you had imagined. 

Your spiritual evolution is more important than the material pleasures you may have for a short period of time.

You must care about transforming yourself because you only have yourself when you abandon this world. 

Your spiritual purification is in fact what gives a meaning to your life. 

You live in order to transform your satanic anti-conscience into a human being.

This is so that you may purify your spirit and learn how to live peacefully and happily without making costly mistakes.

Everything in your life must help you achieve this goal. 

Your dreams reflect your behavior in order to help you correct your mistakes and eliminate false impressions. 

Your dreams also give you clues that help you discover what you need, or they reflect future predictions.

For example, when you have dreams where you see yourself running and facing difficult challenges, this means that the absurd components of your personality which belong to your anti-conscience) are trying to control your behavior.

When you have dreams where you are traveling in a ship, this means that you have to make a long research about an important matter for a certain period of time.

Too much water in a dream, like a flood, indicates that you have lost your faith and you are too materialistic.

However, the meaning of the rain in dreams is positive. 

The rain represents a solution.

The unconscious mind sends you important messages with information about your personality and about your reality. 

When you translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method you have a powerful source of knowledge giving you information and guidance about all matters. 

At the same time, you learn how to improve your spiritual health and attain perfection.

The Autoimmune Bible is the true story of how a husband and wife used collection of health information found within the Bible to recover their health and the health of their loved ones.

It contains tips and tricks to fight common illnesses and live a healthy, beneficial lifestyle based on biblical teachings and ancient medical wisdom.